2 thoughts on “Video

  1. Hello,

    You spoke of time travel and “talk to those people” in your video. I live in Colorado and spend a lot of time in the wilderness and on many occasions have stumbled upon cemeteries mostly filled with children. This may sound macabre, but I enjoy time spent in these cemeteries reflecting upon those that came before me e.g., the hardships, their grief and sorrow, family life.

    My most recent visit was to the Murray Homestead site south of Pagosa Springs, Colorado near Rio Blanco. I stumbled upon this gem of a site while hiking near the river. There were no road signs indicating a homestead in the area nor was it on a map, but the place is well preserved with cattle shoots, farming equipment with green pastures nestled in a small valley near the river. I was pleasantly surprised of my findings and I took a few pictures before moving on.

    Look forward to more of your writings and appreciate your off the chart dedication.

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