Moving on up

Change of address...

A Blast From the Past will have a spanking new home from tomorrow.

That’s right – the blog’s been picked up by the Smithsonian Institution, which has decided to expand the coverage its magazine site offers to include a regular history blog. It’s all very flattering, because the Smithsonian looked at an awful lot of other sites before contacting me. On top of that it is, of course, pretty much the biggest and best museum in the world, and the associated magazine it publishes is of extremely high quality – I’ve spent a lot of time reading it over the years, and it’ll be a great pleasure to contribute regularly.

Anyway, here’s the scoop, and so far as I can see it ought to work for everybody. More

Hey, I won…

Gwynie leaves a damp patch on the stage

Thank the stars I’m not Gwyneth Paltrow. It should mean that I’ll get through this post reasonably sniffle-free.

I woke up this morning to an email from Cliopatria, which is the blog portion of the History News Network, which is, in turn, probably the world’s largest history website. I can’t be sure of that, because I don’t see the stats, but it is very large and very busy, and one of the things that it does every year at about this time is hand out awards for the best in history blogging at a special dinner that takes place during the annual conference of the American Historical Association.

The Cliopatria Awards have been running for six years now, which I imagine means that the awards dinner is large and long and glittery and hosted by Billy Crystal. Sort of like the Oscars for history blogging. I wouldn’t know, because I didn’t get invited, but More